Tuesday 3 June 2008


"Have you ever wondered how a future you would think if they could see you know?" - June 4

I am a procrastinator. Not that I am proud of this but whenever I see an opportunity to do something I always focus on the 1% chance that it could fail. And in the one in a hundred situations, it does I have justified my fear but I always miss the other 99 successes before that.

Edison once said "I didn't fail 999 times, I found 999 ways not to do it but I only have to find one way that it works" To put this person's achievement in perspective, you need to see it as a whole. Where would we be if Edison simply gave up after trial 998?

Thinking or saying what you will do, could do. Accomplishes absolutely nothing. Procrastination should be considered one of the greatest evils because it kills. It kills the potential that everyone has.

So the best thing is to improve. however small because very step takes you forward. At the very least, the next time you think about what could have been, you can be happy that you haven't stayed still.

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