Saturday, 7 June 2008

Regrets and Failures

"Regrets and failures are in the past, the past doesn't exist except in our mind, don't let something that doesn't exist torture you" -- June 8 2008

In the past, I used to wish I could travel back in time and tell me, the young me the mistakes I would have made and avoid them. Then I realize that the things I had to work thru, the struggles that I had to deal with is what makes me.. me.

I have decided that the reason why I can never let my failures go is because to me, I haven't lived up to my potential. So i sat down and made a plan, my first objective is to solve the riddle of body.

I will reach for my ideal body. I have resolved the scarifices that i must make to achieve it and the work i must endure. the rest is up to me because words without action are a waste.

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