Sunday, 15 June 2008


"Some if not all people are fearful of mistakes, they shun it and do all they can to avoid them. Sometimes its best to welcome mistakes" -- June 15 2008

George Soros once said "Every day I hope I find a mistake, when I find one I am extremely happy" or something to that effect. Soros approach to investment is to come up with an idea and then find what wrong with it. When he find a mistake, then he is able to correct them. Each mistake makes his plan even stronger.

To me, I believe it in the same way. Mistakes tells me that I am expanding my horizons and I am trying to improve. Mistakes allows me to stay humble because it reminds me that there is still more that I do not yet know. Mistakes give me feedback on what works well and what doesn't. Mistakes are real, not hypothetical. Small mistakes allows me to grow one step at a time. Larger ones not only forces me to work harder and work smarter to solve but challenges me psychological to overcome perhaps the greatest failings of men, our egos and I have a large one.

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