Yesterday, I had an odd day. By an large, it would be considered a bad end to a day, a week or maybe even a month. I had failed an exam by the barest of margins. 1 percentage point. Make matters worst, it was an expensive exam which I had failed for the second time and yet that even isn't the entire story. I had planned to make the 22 minute trip across town to get there but 2 minutes before I arrived at the station. By the end of the day, I made the exam but didnt make the grade. And yet, I felt better than I expected because I was able to put everything in perspective. I failed but I can always try again. I lost money yes but I also learned a valuable lesson.
Arnold once said "Only by facing challenges do you truly find your strength - if the challenge is great, then you must get stronger"
This is my challenge and I will get stronger.